You probably remember the magazine “Reader’s Digest”. I think it’s still around but I haven’t seen one in years.

Well, I have a new website that is a financial “reader’s digest” of sorts (although it includes both articles and videos).

My newest website is:

Nearly every day, I scan the web for relevant articles and videos about retirement planning and Social Security. From the dozens that are published every day in the USA, I post 1-3 of them on my blog.

I usually write a couple sentences of “my comments or opinions” on whatever the article/video is about.

The blog is a growing educational resource on these 2 important financial subjects and a precursor to my planned-on monthly i-magazine for iPad users (hopefully by years end).

Anyway, please check it out and if you find it useful, bookmark it so you can come back often. Thanks so much!

all the best… Mark

Mark J. Orr, CFP
Certified Financial Planner

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